Welcome to hammie helper!


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No New Posts Adoption (UK)

Adoption in the U.K. Purchase of hamsters are NOT allowed. We are not responsible for any mishaps that might happen. Happy adopting!

2 2 化这一过程构成了工业的
by account_disabled
Oct 28, 2023 0:27:46 GMT -6
No New Posts Adoption (U.S.A)

Adoption in the U.S. Purchase of hamsters are NOT allowed. We are not responsible for any mishaps that might happen. Happy adopting!

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Community & News

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No New Posts Suggestions & feedback

Give us some suggestions and feedback on the forum. Your suggestion/ feedback will be very much appreciated.

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No New Posts Questions

Members can post questions here and a moderator or another fellow member will answer them.

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No New Posts Community news, updates, rules and more...

Read the updates and changes in this forum. The rules are also in here so make sure you check this board out!

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Hamster Chity-Chaty board

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts "Snap-Snap" hamster modeling

Post your hamster pictures here!

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No New Posts Over the Rainbow

Grieve hamsters who have already crossed the bridge. Let's remember all of our past buddies.

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No New Posts Hamster Chit-Chat tea party

Talk off-.topic and have fun!

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No New Posts The Hammie Games

Let the Hammie Games begin!

1 1 The Joke Game: Hamsters Edition
by Bubby and Hamper
Apr 15, 2018 20:56:28 GMT -6
No New Posts Introducing...

Introduce you and your hamster here!

6 7 Hamper!
by Bubby and Hamper
Apr 15, 2018 20:36:39 GMT -6

Hamster Care

Board Threads Posts Last Post
No New Posts Hamster Supplies

This part of the forum is all about hamster supplies. Talk about all sorts of bedding, toys and more...

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No New Posts Hamster Cages & Housing

Discuss about cages, and housing hamsters.

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No New Posts Breeding

This site does NOT support amateur hamster breeding. Please do NOT ask how to breed hamsters or post a thread on purposely breeding hamsters. This part of the forum is ONLY for accidental pregnancies.

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No New Posts Health Care for Hamsters

Discuss hamster care on this board. If your hamster is in need of immediate attention please seek a vet for professional advice/opinion.

1 1 Dobby’s Testicles & Wheel Size
by dobbyhammy
Sept 26, 2019 11:11:25 GMT -6
No New Posts Food and Nutrition

Discuss hamster nutrition related things. Ask as much questions as you want about nutrition.

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